The Health System

The Health System is worth knowing for a journalist. Extremely important for Kenyan citizens, but also said to be the most corruption prone sector in the country.

Nurses and midwives Face Challenges Amid COVID-19 Crisis

There is need to appreciate the life-saving roles of nurses and midwives as front-line health workers. Together with other health…

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Covid-19: Patients Keep Off Hospitals in Kenya

Kenya, like most countries, was caught unprepared to handle the coronavirus pandemic. In an effort to save the situation, the…

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Coronavirus Affects Crucial 2020 Calendars

The coronavirus outbreak has affected the annual calendars for learning institutions, parliament, county assemblies and sports. This unexpected interference could…

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Counties Not Prepared as Coronavirus Spreads

    A patient exhibiting symptoms of coronavirus was rushed to a private hospital in Bungoma County on Monday 23rd…

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Economic Impact of Covid-19 Worsens Despite Government Interventions

  The Novel Coronavirus keeps spreading across the world. People suddenly have to deal with curfews and shutdowns. Kenya is…

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Kenyans Still Reluctant to Protect Themselves from Coronavirus

  The coronavirus pandemic has killed thousands of people across the globe while others are still getting infected. The government…

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Strict Measures to Curb the Spread of the Coronavirus

On Friday March 6th, 2020 Kenyans received confirmation of the first case of COVID-19, commonly known as Coronavirus. The patient…

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Poor Diagnosis, Negligence Leading Cause of Child and Maternal Deaths in Kenya

Medical care for first time mothers and their babies is in a deplorable state which requires an urgent action. The…

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Poor Referral System Chokes Kenyan Hospitals

Kenya’s health sector has been dogged with numerous challenges, key among them being the poor referral system. The referral system…

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Detention Of Patients for Unpaid Bills Illegal

Quality healthcare is essential to every Kenyan as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. However, this has remained a…

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