
Kenya Gazette Notices from 1895 to 2012

If you love history and would like to understand things that happened  even before Kenya got independence then this site will excite you. RoGGKenya has listed some Kenya Gazette Notices from 1895 to 2012 that you can easily refer to and even download if necessary.

If you click on this link Kenya Gazette you will find interesting gazette notices that are worth reading.Below are some notices that you might not known about

Liquor Regulations 1900

It was illegal for Natives, in this case meaning African were not allowed to take, buy or be in possession of alcohol. “Alcoholic liquor whether manufactured in the Protectorate or imported shall not be sold or given, by any person to any native.”

The same year, a reward of £100 was offered for the destruction of the man eating lion at Kimaa.

1st January 1901

The road along Nyando Valley from Molo to Kavirondo Bay (Kisumu) was re-opened after the Nandi and Lumbwas tribe concluded their war and were in peace

12th March 1903

Whipping was introduced as a punishment to persons over the age of 16 years. This was done using a kiboko’ not less than a half an inch in diameter. In the case of those below 16 years it was ‘to be done using a birch rod made of light twigs.

Sale of licenses under the opium regulations 1902

There was a notice on the sale of two licenses to sell Opium within the Island of Mombasa.The license was to be operative for six months from 1st July 1906 to and be confined within the island of Mombasa.

23rd December 1964

Former President Jomo Kenyatta appointed Douglas Ernest Barnette as the acting Controller and Auditor General in pursuant of Section 19(2) of the constitution of the Republic of Kenya. Effective from 1st January 1965.

4Th January 1980

Tenders were invited for the supply of 245,000 and 90,000 boxes of chalks, white and assorted colours respectively to the Kenya School Equipment Scheme, Likoni Road Po Box 17278 Nairobi.

28th April 1980

Pursuant to regulation 20(3) of the parliamentary and Presidential elections Regulations, The Supervisor of elections notified the public that Charles Njonjo was the only person validly nominated for the preliminary elections of the Kenya Africa National Union (KANU)  in the Kikuyu Constituency and so polling for the preliminary election would not be held in that constituency.

23rd February 1981

Minister for Energy revoked the distribution license no 20 dated 20th May 1956 which was granted to the Uganda Electricity Board for distribution and supply of electrical energy in the area comprising the Iteso Leprosarium situated North East of Busia Town in Busia District (Currently Busia County)

3rd February 1993

Joseph Muturia applies for leave to withdraw his petition against Maoka Maore for Member of Parliament Ntonyiri Constituency. He states his reasons as “no longer desire and for the sake of peace and harmony’.

By Carolyne Oyugi

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