Sectoral Plans, the Annual Development Plan
10-Year Sectoral Plans
Each County department is mandated by law to develop a ten year County sectoral plan as a component of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). The sectoral plans contain broader programmes and projects that are to be implemented over a period of 10 years. The projects are then captured in the CIDP after they are documented in the departmental sectoral plans. See section 109(1) of the County Governments Act.
The programmes are updated annually.
The Annual Development Plan, ADP
The sectoral plans and programmes leave their mark on the annual development plan (ADP) which forms the basis for preparing the County budget annual budget.
The ADP is usually passed by the County Assembly by the 1st of September to guide the budget making process for the next financial year.
A scrutiny of the ADP gives an overview of what is to be contained in the annual budget.
The list below gives part of the information contained in the ADP:
- County background information
- Budget Summary – This section provides a summary of the budget in terms of recurrent and development that will be expended by the County Ministries, Departments and Agencies on various public services for the coming financial year.
- Infrastructure and systems – This section provides information on the status of the county infrastructure, including major projects completed, on-going and planned by both the National and County governments. This is essential since a bulk of the county budget goes towards infrastructure related projects and programmes.
- Overview of the performance of departments in the previous and current financial year-An analysis of how various sectors and departments performed in the previous financial year in terms of utilization of their budgets and implementing programmes as passed in the budget.
- Planned development in the coming financial year – A highlight of the programmes that the various sectors will implement in the coming financial year.
- County service delivery framework – A breakdown of how the County the County will ensure smooth implementation of projects including citizen participation, access to information, civic education and intergovernmental relations.
- Financial management systems
Quarterly Implementation Reports
Each sector shall generate quarterly implementation reports that capture the status of the various projects being undertaken during a financial year.
All those documents are public documents which the Kenyan public and the media are entitled to see and scrutinize. For the obstacles to access the information look at this page.