County by County

How to find and read the CIDP

How to find, read and what to find in the County Five Year Plan – CIDP

Most of the CIDPs are published online – but not in a systematic way. You find some on the website of the Council of Governors. Many are on the web sites of the respective county governments. We also have a dedicated page here at RoGGKenya with a list of the CIDPs .

Don’t forget the quotation marks around the search term. A search with a term like … Mandera “County Integrated Development Plan” … will most probably make you hit the document, beause the four words between the brackets are, in almost all cases, to be found on the first page or cover of the pdf.

The document may have 300 pages, but don’t worry. If you know how to browse it you can use it efficiently. The soft copy is especially useful, because it can be searched and browsed digitally.
Click here If you need hints on how to search the files.
Update Oct 13, 2016: We have uploaded almost all the CIDPS to You find all links on this page.

Most of them have a similar structure:

Chapter 1 gives an overview over the county: geography, population, climate, economy, administration. These are valuable facts to refer to in your reporting about that county. Note though that the data available dates as far back as 2013 or older because the plans were published in 2013. The next plans were to be published at the end of 2013.

Chapter 2 cites the challenges and issues of each county and is good for getting positive and negative analysis and first story ideas.

Chapter 3 names topics around land use and spatial distribution of uses which is always a hot topic in all of Kenya.

Chapter 4 shortly links the CIDP to other plans

Chapter 5 bears the seemingly boring and deterring title Institutional Framework for Implementation. But this can also be hot for reporting! Because this chapter states how the county and its staff has to be organized so as to achieve its plans. In 2016/17 a follow-up-question could be what the county has done to employ adequate staff with sufficient skills for implementing their set plans. Or does it still employ the famous ghost workers?

Chapter 6 should state how they plan to get the money for implementation of their plans.

Chapter 7 reviews how to achieve and omplement programmes and projects and verify the results.
There are plenty of journalistic stories to follow up for each sector here! If you are into agriculture, just jump through the respective 20 pages or so and pick a story! Or look at the roads chapter. Or the health. Or sports…

Chapter 8 is about how the implementation is to be monitored. The monitoring reports – do they exist? Where to get them?

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